Saturday, November 2, 2019

Threat of Religion-Based Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Threat of Religion-Based Terrorism - Essay Example Threat of religion-based terrorism is more rife currently than ever before as evidenced by a couple of things especially extremist groups. For instance, the last five years a number of religious groups have emerged where terror activities have been carried out. Surprisingly, these groups justify their actions on their religious ideologies. One example entails the Islamic State, which is the latest group, which claims that killing those of other religions will see the followers rewarded in the after-life. Ironically, the main leaders of these groups seldom engage in these activities; instead, their followers who are brainwashed. Terror activities are synonymous in these groups where unimaginable acts of human rights abuse are carried in the most heinous way. For instance, the aforementioned group has been responsible for a number of deaths with three Americans, two Britons, one Jordanian, and two Japanese among the number (Musarrat & Khan, 2014). In order to bolster its activities in as many regions as possible, this extremist group engages in radicalization. Here, people from many regions are enticed in to joining these activities using propaganda and sympathy. A case in point is the IS tendency to portray the West as inhuman. Additionally, the Africans have not been without a problem of their own concerning the same issue. First, the Al-Shabaab has terrorized many of the Somali nationals in the name of religion. Similarly, the Nigeria’s Boko Haram has proved to be a challenge to the government, and a number of people have lost their lives. Using the same tactics as the IS, the Nigerian group maims and carries out other heinous activities, and justify itself through religious ideologies (Musarrat & Khan, 2014). The activities may seem new to the current generation, but history shows that there have been similar cases where religion was a catalyst to terrorism. For instance, Father Charles Coughlin was

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