Saturday, August 31, 2019

Crime Prevention Coalition of America Essay

Crime Prevention Coalition of America is the crime prevention program that this paper will cover. During this paper I will attempt to discuss what Crime Prevention Coalition of America is and what their philosophy is. It will also show the element or elements of the crime triangle that the Crime Prevention Coalition of America program seeks to address. This paper will analysis how the Crime Prevention Coalition of America works, it will also including statistical support, of the success of the program in affecting crime. A critical analysis of the effectiveness of the Crime Prevention Coalition of America. Commentary on the impacts of societal factors that deals with the Crime Prevention Coalition of America. Then I will attempt to make a prediction concerning the technological advancements of the program and the resulting success or failure based upon those advancements. â€Å"The Crime Prevention Coalition of America is a nonpartisan group of more than 400 national, state, federal, and community-based organizations united to promote citizen action to prevent crime. Established in 1980, its members include youth development organizations, municipalities, law enforcement agencies, federal and state government representatives, state crime prevention associations, and community-based groups† (NCPC, 2012). The Crime Prevention Coalition of America works with all these groups to ensure a way to make safe communities. â€Å"The philosophy of the Crime Prevention Coalition of America believes that: Preventing Crime Is * Everyone’s business * More than security * A responsibility of all levels and agencies of government * Linked with solving social problems * Cost-effective Preventing Crime Requires * A central role in law enforcement * Cooperation and collaboration by all elements of the community * Education * Tailoring to local needs and conditions * Continual evaluation and improvement† (NCPC, 2012). Under the philosophy of Crime Prevention Coalition of America it is everyone’s job to help prevent and control the criminal element. This group believes that each of us should do are part in preventing crimes and making sure that the people who are committing crimes are held accountable. The Crime Prevention Coalition of America brings the community and law enforcement together, because this group knows that law enforcement can’t control the criminal element alone. The crime triangle is made up of three different things they are: target, desire, and opportunity. All of these have to be present of a crime to be successful. The element or the elements of the crime triangle that the Crime Prevention Coalition of America are all three of the elements that make up the triangle. â€Å"The first element of the crime triangle is desire. That is the criminal’s drive, intent and motivation. There is nothing you can realistically do to curtail or eliminate that desire. Once he has the desire, he is looking for a target and an opportunity. A target is anyone who appears to be an easy victim. A target appears not to be aware of their surroundings and appears easy to overtake or overpower. An easy target, by definition, will not put up any resistance. The next element is opportunity. You control this by paying attention to your environment. Are you in a bad area of town? Are you walking in an unlit area? Are you in a secluded area? Are you letting strangers in too close to ask questions – not defining personal boundaries? Limiting opportunities is about being aware of your environment and your intuition to remove yourself from a questionable environment once you sense danger† (Women’s Self-Defense Institute, 2002-2012). With the knowledge that the Crime Prevention Coalition of America gives people in the community and the knowledge that it gives to the law enforcement group it allows people to be aware of the three elements of the crime triangle and it allows you to remove the ones that you are capable of changing. Of the three elements of the crime triangle you can’t do  nothing about the desire part because that is all up to the criminal, however you can change the way you are looked at as a target and the opportunity of becoming a victim. These two parts of the crime triangle you can be taught to manage and be aware of. The way that this program can teach you about the desire part of the crime triangle is that it teaches you to the observation of the people around you. With knowing who is around you, you will be able to see how a person who is acting weird and maybe up to no good. The Crime Prevention Coalition of America works to prevent crimes in many ways; it will also show the statistical support to show how effective they are in this area if there is proof and with the success of the program in affecting crime and crime rate. â€Å"In October 2007, the National Crime Prevention Council, in partnership with the Crime Prevention Coalition of America and the U.S. Department of Justice, hosted the 8th National Conference on Preventing Crime: Helping Build Safer Communities, in Atlanta, GA. CPCA members received a member discount of $50 off their registration fees for the conference. The conference offered more than 65 educational sessions presented by the nation’s leading crime prevention specialists on topics such as emerging trends in crime prevention, bullying, Internet safety, community preparedness, Neighborhood Watch, gang prevention, fraud prevention for senior citizens, and more. The conference provided a forum and training for all crime prevention practitioners to identify and learn about emerging trends and issues and ways to address them; to network with colleagues from across the country, sharing experiences and successes; and to renew commitments to prevention as a priority in reducing crime. The National Conference on Preventing Crime has proven to be a driving force in disseminating crime prevention information nationwide and promoting crime prevention issues to policymakers at the national, state, and local levels†( The Crime Prevention Coalition of America, 2007). â€Å"The Crime Prevention Coalition of America has developed a number of strategies to help carry out its mission of making crime prevention a grassroots community movement and a national priority. The Coalition has worked to * Develop and implement a crime prevention action initiative to enlist individuals, businesses, faith communities, community groups, and governments to implement prevention strategies, tactics, and programs, building on the success of the National Citizens’ Crime Prevention Campaign * Identify, develop, and promote  community-level programs, projects, policies, and approaches that have proven successful in reducing crime * Establish substantive themes for community action initiatives * Foster shared responsibility among Coalition member organizations to encourage prevention-focused reporting on crime * Enhance the structure and operations of the Crime Prevention Coalition of America to help its member organizations provide leadership in the effort to reduce and prevent crime * Create Coalition member task groups to focus on specific issues of concern to member organizations * Strengthen the National Crime Prevention Council, the secretariat of the Crime Prevention Coalition of America, to be the nation’s primary source for crime prevention information† (NCPC, 2012). These are the strategies that the Crime Prevention Coalition of America has put into place to try to get its message across and away to provide people with the knowledge to keep themselves and their love ones from becoming a victim of criminal active. According to the Bureau of Justice Assistance there are still things we don’t know about the effectiveness of these programs and if they are the true cause for the drop in the crime rate â€Å"While there is some evidence of the effectiveness of some community-based programs, there is still much to learn about the impact of these programs on crime. To date, there are relatively few methodologically rigorous evaluations of these programs. As a result, researchers have often not been able to establish whether the program or other factor(s) were responsible for the observed outcomes. Isolating a community crime prevention program’s effect has been particularly difficult due to factors such as: * program evaluation costs; * identifying appropriate comparison areas; * implementation of multiple programs in a community; * small samples; * individualized nature of the intervention; and * Data collection problems (e.g., refusal of stakeholders to support data collection efforts). Despite some positive results to date, evidence of crime reduction or prevention attributable to community-based crime prevention programs is limited. Until more methodologically rigorous evaluations are conducted, it is not possible to determine whether the lack  of positive results is due to flawed program theory, weak evaluation designs, or poor program implementation†(2008). So with this evidence it is hard to determine if the program works or not. There is a lot that goes into a successful program and it is like anything else that is successful in this world, it is going to be a lot of hard work and it will require a lot of time to go into it to make it a success. There is an old saying that anything worth having is worth working for and nothing comes easy. This includes crime free communities to have a crime free community you have to work hard at it. Societal factors that deals with the Crime Prevention Coalition of America are the fact that normal everyday people are willing to stand up and hold people accountable for their actions whether it be someone you know or a person that is a complete stranger to you. â€Å"Citizens need to work closely with local law enforcement serving as the eyes and ears of the community. Dr. Warr suggests three ways to better align perceptions with actual risk: 1) Educate people about the context of crimes that are reported in the media 2) Educate them about the facts surrounding likelihood of victimization 3) Address the environmental cues to danger All these efforts are mainstays of crime prevention, which the Crime Prevention Coalition of America defines as â€Å"a pattern of attitudes and behaviors directed both at reducing the threat of crime and enhancing the sense of safety and security, to posi tively influence the quality of life in our society, and to help develop environments where crime cannot flourish.†(Crime Prevention Matters, 2008). The prediction concerning the technological advancements of the Crime Prevention Coalition of America and the resulting whether they will be successful or failures based upon these advancements. â€Å"Under the umbrella of the new strategic plan, NCPC will continue to supply resources, tools, and training to reduce the opportunities for crime. In the fall of 2007, through the support of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department Justice, NCPC released Volume 3 of Crime Prevention Presentations, a CD-ROM for use by CPCA members. These presentations are in PowerPoint format and cover topics such as online predators, preventing violence in the workplace, prisoner reentry, and keeping information safe in the technology age. Volumes 1 and 2, which include presentations on 15 crime prevention topics, are available free online. Each presentation is designed to educate, increase awareness, and teach prevention strategies. These presentations are  ideal for CPCA members who are not able to travel to training events due to budget or personnel constraints†( The Crime Prevention Coalition of America,2007). With their program changing to stay up with the advancements in technology the program seems to me like it has insured its survival for now. As long as you can change your program just enough to adapt to the changes in the world around you then you will ensure the life of your program. With the every change world of technology and the evolving world of crime these crime prevention programs will have to continue to change to stay up with the changes in our every changing lives. The Crime Prevention Coalition of America is a crime preventing program that has been around for a while now and with its longevity it has partnered up or help create other organizations to help people prevent or fight crime in their neighborhoods. The Crime Prevention Coalition of America was established to teach people and to show people what will and can happen if crime sets up shop in their communities. This program is a successful one because it not only focuses on prevent crimes but it also can help people who have been victims regain control of their lives. â€Å"He who does not prevent crime when he can, encourages it.†Ã¢â‚¬â€Roman philosopher, Seneca (Crime Prevention Matters. 2008). References Bureau of Justice Assistance. (2008). BJA. What Have We Learned From Evaluations of Community-Based Crime Prevention Programs?. Retrieved 10 December 2012, from Crime Prevention Matters. (2008). NCPC. Crime Prevention Matters. Retrieved 10 December 2012, from NCPC. (2012). National Crime Prevention Council. About. Retrieved 9 December 2012, from NCPC. (2012). National Crime Prevention Council. Crime Prevention Coalition of America. Retrieved 9 December 2012, from The Crime Prevention Coalition of America. (2007). NCPC. Mobilizing the Nation to Prevent crime, Violence and Drug Abuse. Retrieved 10 December 2012, from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Reflective Statement Essay

How I create a positive learning environment A positive learning environment are trust, open communication and shared learning experiences.Trainer is one who can create a positive learning environment, which will allow the students to feel comfortable, safe and engaged – something that all students deserve. I applied some factors that build a positive learning environment. Adult learners require the learning to be relevant, are highly motivated, need active involvement in the learning process, a variety of learning experiences, positive feedback, need to be recognized as individuals with unique experiences, to maintain their self-esteem. A positive learning environment requires the involvement of learners – to ask questions and feedback, encourage discussions, group and individual activities, group discussions, visual aids, role plays. The effective trainer helps to create the positive learning environment when using a variety of techniques for providing positive feedback. To provide positive feedback is to give verbal praise, to use positive responses during questioning, recognize appropriate skills. Be sure to treat the participants as individuals when using participant names, to involve all participants as often as possible, to treat participants with respect, to allow participants to share information with others, to maintain the self-esteem of learners with reinforcing practices and beliefs embodied in the activity, providing corrective feedback in an appropriate manner, providing training that adds to their sense of competence and self-esteem, recognizing participants accomplishments. The feedback I received from learner participants The feedback I receive is very positive. The learners rated all of the activities very highly. Content – is rated 4.6 from 5 which is Excellent. Organization – is rated 4.0 from 5 which is Very Good. Use of instructional aids – is rated 4.4 from 5 which is near Excellent. Creating interest in topic – is rated 4.8 from 5 which is Excellent. Involvement of participants – is rated 4.4 from 5 which is near Excellent. Met my needs – is rated 3.8 from 5 which is near Very Good. Suitable to my level of experience – is rated 4.2 from 5 which is Very Good. Interesting – is rated 4.4 from 5 which is near Excellent. Included sufficient examples – is rated 4.6 from 5 which is Excellent. Understandable -is rated 4.2 from 5 which is Very Good. This lead to conclude that activities provides interesting information. The feedback I received it is very useful and helping me to understand where I can develop my lessons in further. My perceptions of the effectiveness of the activity I felt engaged and that the content of the learning material was interesting and meaningful. The explanations given helped me to clarify and remember ideas, and the activities gave a way to remember the information in a clear way. That makes a difference in understanding the material, because I can see the strategies in action instead of just reading about them. The results of the team work activities are beneficial towards learning process and helps enhance learning process. Looking at the picture as a whole, one of the most valuable things is just sharing experiences with other participants. Because you just learn so much from each other. I think the whole focus behind the effectiveness of the activity it has made me reflect a lot more on my own practice and future development. 2 recommendations to improve my future performance

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Business Research Methods Essay Example for Free

Business Research Methods Essay Starbucks (158) , Research methods (28) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Starbucks grew as it attracted many people, leading to tripling its stores worldwide. It became part of every neighborhood, appearing on every street, in airports, supermarkets, and roadside rest stops all over America. This is when complaints began to surface that Starbucks is transforming into a fast-food restaurant and not a coffee house. The coffee industry was no longer dominated by Starbucks, for competitors began to put pressure on the business. In addition, the biggest dilemma to hit Starbucks was the 2008 economic crisis. This took a toll on the consumer who saw Starbucks as a luxury and searched for more affordable alternatives. As a result, Starbucks’ management was faced with the need to generate the right management question that would be the thread to making the best decision through its research design. An organizational dilemma can spark a research question. Once an organization determines a situation exists, research methods start to devise and eventually sample designs are implemented. When people think of Starbucks, do they think of great customer service, quality products, clean store, or great coffee? The organizational dilemma is: how should Starbucks go about keeping loyal customers while overcoming the old perceptions and changing with the times. According to Howard Schultz, â€Å"We are not in the coffee business serving people; we are in the people business serving coffee† (Starbucks Board of Directors, 2008). Marius Pretorius (2008) research infers Starbuck’s organizational dilemma, whether strategic or operational is not diminished when using Michael Porter’s (1985) generic strategies for competitive advantage. Declining sales require a turnaround solution that address strategic causes and cost relationship pressures that govern demand determinants. Which are â€Å"highly susceptible to external influences that are not clearly visible to the decision-makers† (Pretorius, 2008, pg. 21). Designing a two-stage exploratory study to identify the basis of distress and the key determinants is essential to a turnaround strategic plan. An exploratory study provides sufficient flexibility to address research costs, timelines, and development of clear constructs to address priorities and operational definitions (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). The first stage of the study will look to ascertain the causation of the organizational dilemma and postulate the asymmetrical relationships in declining sales by examining both internal and external independent and dependent variables. This research will categorize findings into four relationship types as stimulus-response, property-disposition, disposition-behavior, or property-behavior. This will refine the second stage of research and explore influencing factors in depth. Characteristics and Operational Definitions The research design will produce casual inferences upon which a complementary strategy will result. â€Å"Although they may be neither permanent nor universal, these inferences allow us to build knowledge of presumed causes over time† (Cooper & Schindler, 2011, pg. 154). Therefore, it is important to identify moderating or interactive variable dependencies. To ensure data validity operational definitions will challenge data to meet specific standards. These definitions may not exhibit the organization’s use but will establish a means to classify clearly an event. The main concern is to establish actionable information in which contributory or contingent effects on the original independent to dependent variable (IV–DV) relationship will provide empirical conclusions. References Cooper, D.R. & Schindler, P.S. (2011). Business research methods (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Porter, M.E., (1985). Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior performance. New York, NY: The Free Press Pretorius, M., (2008). When Porter’s generic strategies are not enough: Complementary strategies for turnaround situations. Journal of Business Strategy 29(6): 19–28. Starbucks Board of Directors. (2008). Retrieved 2 2013, February, from Starbucks, (2011) Our Company: Mission Statement. We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

France Debates Its Identity, but Some Ask Why Essay

France Debates Its Identity, but Some Ask Why - Essay Example Although Éric Besson’s ministry seems to connect with debate, he denies any connection between immigration and the debate. On the other hand, Jean-Luc MÃ ©lenchon writes that to be French is to have a French identity card and the rights that go with it. Additionally, French Muslims just like the Arabs react to the debate with resentment claiming discrimination to the French identity. More so, Yazid Sabeg, an Algerian-born businessman, says the French nation is more unified and that the organic sense of being French does exist. Additionally, Mr. Besson argues that Franco-French does not exist and that there is no race. He says that only a shared set of values that include liberty, equality, fraternity, and secularism exist in France (Erlanger Web). There seems to be immense concern on the France identity as portrayed by various French leaders. As such, I think the debate about French identity is worth discussing. I feel that this debate will clearly define the France identity and remove the dark thoughts of discrimination on race and religion. I also feel that very few people in the world understand secularism in the French

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

BUSINESS STRATEGY Company case report (written document) Essay

BUSINESS STRATEGY Company case report (written document) - Essay Example It was also the first company to offer the well-known curry chicken in a canned form that was convenient. Currently, the company produces a range of Asian and non-Asian beverages. The Asia drinks come in a range of soy drinks, juice drinks and ready-to-drink teas. Specific brands include soya milk, black soy drinks, Laichi, sugar cane beverage, lemon tea, Winter melon, Chrysanthemum tea, Herbal tea and Green tea. In addition to beverages, the company also produces a vast range of culinary sauces. This include canned curry, condiments, culinary paste, spreads, instant noodles and vermicelli, and canned and jar food. These sauces do not contain preservatives. Yeo’s Malaysia delightful selection of refreshing Asian drinks is cherished in every occasion naturally. The company’s authentic taste is inspired by traditional drinks brewed in Asia and its range of thirst-quenching drinks is a delight to customers in many Asian and non-Asian households. The major markets for the c ompany are Malaysia, Singapore, China, IndoChina, Hong Kong, North Asia, South Asia/Asia Africa, Vietnam, US, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Macro environment analysis of the industry using the PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technology) model. The political environment in Malaysia provides a safe and stable environment for Yeo’s operate in. There are regulations, tariffs and requirements international businesses must conform to operate in Malaysia. Even though the government is liberalizing its tariff regime progressively, products that are in competition with products that are manufactured locally are still highly protected and the company benefits greatly from this. Malaysia is a high export oriented economy and this provides an ideal economic environment for Yeo’s Malaysia to operate in because the company relies both on local and export markets. The country’s economy is well performing and its business regulations, tariffs and requirements are more favorable for local manufacturers. The government also identified food and agribusinesses as the nation’s key opportunities and this has motivated large companies like Yeo’s to develop strong brands and distribution networks. These have led to the accumulation of large economic resources for the company. There are also bilateral trade agreements with between Malaysia and some of its major markets like Australia and this makes business more favorable to the company. The Asian community and the larger Yeo’s market are highly conscious about health and strongly emphasize on safety. In Malaysia specifically, foods and beverages undergo the strict inspection to ensure they comply with the stringiest standards. The company uses no preservatives in its culinary brands and the most minimal in its beverages. Soy products are identified as healthy food. This has favored the operation of the company in Malaysia and ensured company’s products are on the hig hest demand. Yeo’s Malaysia has made and maintained a courageous commitment to technology. The company has undertaken a notable computer development and training as one its major human resource agenda. Analysis of the beverage industry using Porter’s five forces model Porter (1998) identifies five forces that influence an industry. These are supplier power, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, rivalry and buyer power. One of the things that present a threat

Monday, August 26, 2019

Implementation Plan for Active Directory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Implementation Plan for Active Directory - Essay Example This paper presents the design and implementation recommendations pertaining to active directory system for Riordan Manufacturing. Microsoft Active Directory system is compliant to popular protocol called â€Å"Light Weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)† which is a de-facto standard for directory services for interactions between the user and the shared resources on the network. LDAP is widely deployed in all UNIX flavors and Linux based network implementations. It maintains up-to-date information of all the networked resources & services, application configuration information, user credentials (username, password, and access privileges) and security related information. The users of the organization can enjoy high level of productivity as they can quickly search & connect to a network resource and carry out the business transactions. The organization can trust the LDAP system for highly reliable access-control and security of the data accessible via networked resources. (Dias, John. 2002. pp3-8) Microsoft Active Directory logical components comprises of Forest, Trees, Domains, Organizational Units, Users, Groups, Global Catalogue and Schema. The Active Directory physical components comprises of the Sites, Domain Controller (DC), Additional Domain Controllers (ADC), The Domain Name Servers (DNS), Site Replication Services, and Group Policies Organization. Some of the key business benefits of implementing Microsoft Active Directory System are: Riordan Manufacturing has four offices – the corporate HQ and R&D Center, the Plastic Fan plant having 250 employees at China, the plastic beverage container plant at Albany, GA having 45 employees and the custom plastic parts plant at Pontiac, MI and 130 employees. The network has Windows NT Servers as well and hence the AD will need to be implemented in â€Å"mixed† mode rather than â€Å"native† mode. The design proposed herewith is a single forest,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Artist reaserch and comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Artist reaserch and comparison - Essay Example Born in 1967, and currently around 43 years of age, Tomma Abts was born in Germany but she currently lives in London, England. In fact, she has been living in London since 1995. She had a tough time during her early days since she had to jobs in telemarketing positions, which is not â€Å"her thing.† However, things have changed and for the past few years, she has been able to finance her living with her painting and art. Tomma Abts is for sure, one of most interesting and fascinating painters of the present times. As mentioned earlier that she never had any formal training. May be that explains why she does not seem to be following any traditional and pre defined rules of painting (Hoptman, Verwoert & Hainley, pp. 32-39). She has a completely different approach as compared to the other painters as if she is challenging the traditional and classical approach to painting. Beginning the painting without any pre defined objective, name, thought or approach for painting, always sticking to small paintings, (she says that all her paintings are 48 x 38 centimeters) and others show that she has some what a rebel inside her (Hoptman, Verwoert & Hainley, pp. 32-39). The upcoming section of this paper would go in the detail of her paintings while comparing it with the painting of Brice Marden. Without any doubts, Brice Marden is one of the biggest names in art industry. Born on October 15, 1938, he joined the Boston University for studying fine and applied arts in the year 1961. Moreover, his biography also shows that he holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from Yale school of arts and architecture in the year 1963. Since then, he deserves the credit of brining up a new chapter in the art history. Although he is somewhat associated with the movement of minimalism in art, which is an old movement but he has taken it to completely different and levels in his own style. This American artist is not only a member of American Academy of art and Architecture but he has

Manifestation of Social Class in the Workplace Essay

Manifestation of Social Class in the Workplace - Essay Example â€Å"Serving in Florida† is the story of how social class is manifested, structured and stratified in the workplace. Because of this stratification and structure it paves the way for the higher social class to take advantage of people who are in the lower social class (Sanders, 1990). In Ehrenreichs (2008) dialogue, she underlines the harsh working conditions a laborer deals with on a daily basis in order for him or her to survive, which brings a glaring contradiction in consideration of the promise of the social-paradigm, capitalism. In the start of her story, career opportunities appear abundant. This is indicated by work advertisements, which ensure that the company will have an employment pool that compensates for high attrition and employment costs. Her failure to secure employment supports the argument that the idea of abundant opportunities is only an illusion. In a broader perspective, this is a manifestation of how the very principles of capitalism such as profit-max imization and cost-reduction can be argued to result in the frail economic conditions of the lower wage-earning sector. While one may argue that social class is inevitable, because competition itself occurs within the social classes; some of them earning more than others; some of them become managers while some subordinates. While this cycle is true and not necessarily wrong, what deserves attention in Ehrenreichs (2008) story is the extremity of the level of poverty and difficulty that the lower social class has to endure, even in the event that they have worked hard. This puts the working class in a very disadvantaged position, which manifests in a simple fact: the salary or wage that a regular employee is earning, even including the so called benefits that are attached with employment such as health care and other insurances, is not sufficient to provide for a fairly well level of lifestyle, and to that ‘American dream’, more so. The amount of work a blue-collar empl oyee is required to do, as made evident in the story is still not enough to pay for his or her basic needs, more so the things he or she desires to have to establish a good quality of life, such as land and housing property of his or her own. â€Å"God helps those who help themselves† is the spirit of work ethic that capitalism operates around (Weber, 2002), and while this has definitely contributed to the overall value that western societies assign to employment, it seems to have been already lost in Ehrenreichs (2008) account. Ultimately, the status of the narrator, being a low wageworker in the hospitality business, is an unfortunate irony, because while her work requires her to be accommodating to the needs of her company’s clients, she is not able to do the same for her own sake, a circumstance that does not indeed sit well with the promise of capitalism, given its operating principle: the profit motive, the perfect competition, the free enterprise and the deregul ated market- all are in theory supposed to work such that there will be a sustainable life not only for those what will succeed in the establishment of businesses, such as those that the characters in the story are employed under, but also the labor sector itself must be included in that growth. In this story, it

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Genral planning (related to the city that you choosed) Essay

Genral planning (related to the city that you choosed) - Essay Example This paper focuses on land use planning as an important element in the general planning of the city of Los Angeles. With a population of nearly 3.8 million people as per the 2010 census, Los Angeles city is currently the most populous city in California. The city is known all over the world as a center of entertainment, culture, trade and technology. As home to the Hollywood entertainment industry, Los Angeles is also home to many of the world’s celebrities. The general plan of Los Angeles was primarily designed to be a strategy of the future growth of the city using the population forecasts as the basis of planning. Consequently all the elements of a city’s general planning are intended to accommodate the future populations in a way that enhances environmental conservation. Just like many other cities around the world, demographic and spatial changes such as transport congestion are proving to be the major challenges facing sustainable land use in the city of Los Angeles and its environment (Davis, 23). As a result, land use planning in Los Angeles has been largely based on the principles of sustainability in an attempt to mitigate both the present and future challenges regarding the dynamics of urban land use. Additionally land use planning in the city of Los Angeles is also designed to promote the growth and development of both the residential neighborhoods and commercial districts of the city with regard to the future growth in population. The general planning of the city of Los Angeles has designated specific locations to be used for particular new land uses. The land use in these locations is determined by the respective community plans. A number of land use categories in the city of Los Angeles are in the areas that were originally designated for industrial, commercial and residential uses. It is however worth noting that the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Sustainability Principles in Conditions of Contract & NEC &JCT SBC Essay

Sustainability Principles in Conditions of Contract & NEC &JCT SBC Compared - Essay Example an essential aspect of the economy and a fundamental agent for attaining environmental targets and reducing environmental footprints of people and also improving the health of people in the UK. This culminated in the Joint Government and Industry Strategy which was presented in 2008. The Strategy was to present a framework for coherence and convergence in delivering sustainable construction (Construction Products Association, 2013). The scope spans across design, innovation, procurement, people, registration, climate change issues and waste and natural resource matters (Construction Products Association, 2013). The fundamental ends sought to be attained include increasing productivity through the use of more efficient resources, encouraging firms to use sustainable products and enhancing company image and profile (European Commission, 2011). This report undertakes a comparative analysis between the JCT Standard Form of Building Contracts and the Industrys Governments Strategy for Sustainable Construction. To this end, a review of the JCT 11 is conducted alongside the Sustainable Construction Strategy. Also, significant clauses in the NEC 3 EEC is reviewed alongside the JCT 11 on some critical and fundamental issues like defects and testing, compensation events and notifications and negotiation of disputes. The JCT 2011 provides a standard form of contract that must be followed in the creation and implementation of construction contracts between a financier (employer) and a contractor (Wright, 2012). This is to be moderated and monitored by an architect who has to play the role of an independent assessor who evaluates the issues and matters. In terms of the JCT 2011, the main element of the standard form of contracts involves the fact that the contract is to be administered between the employer and the contractor under the oversight of the architect. Therefore, all sustainability issues and matters must be integrated into the contract and the architect, who

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Physical Security Essay Example for Free

Physical Security Essay Securing networks or systems within institutions and corporations is not enough. At present, security is not only concerned with the ethereal aspect of it but also with the tangible dynamics of physical security. Although physical security seems too basic, establishing even the most sophisticated network security is useless if its physical environment does not keep it sheltered and protected. Security threats that have something to do with the physical aspect of institutions include burglary and theft. In this case, even the most established digital security system that functions within the computer networks will not be able to prevent these crimes. A breach in physical security makes the network or digital system of the institution susceptible to power interruptions that disrupts the security system, addition of hardware devices that may used to hack or spy into the system, removal of hardware devices that paralyzes the system, copying confidential data from the system through USBs, CDs, and such, logging in the system directly without authorization, etc. Stewart, 2004) The importance of high standard physical security systems and policies ensure that aforementioned situations that seek to jeopardize the position of institutions that might affect all its aspects, especially its finances, are avoided. Having a secure digital system is impressive, but having a secure digital system and physical environment is highly recommended. To uphold high quality standards of security, both the digital and physical aspects of security should be merged. Sturgeon (2004) defines this as marrying digital and physical security. Physical security involves the use of high-tech gadgets such as cameras that will be used for close monitoring, 24-hour video coverage and storage, video recording triggered by movements, wireless and mobile installments within the physical environment, etc. (Physical Security, 2008) The physical security approach is based on four principles or strategies. First, physical security follows the necessity of protecting the network or institution, detecting security threats and possible risks, responding to these threats and risks, and allowing recovery for the network or institution from damages or indemnities brought about by security breaches. This process requires setting up of security systems that will accomplish these four phases of protecting (with the use of controlled access systems that restricts involvement of the public to authorized personnel only), detecting (using surveillance systems and frequent check-up of the physical areas of institutions), responding (well-trained security officials and network protocols that carry out these responses to security threats and risks), and recovering. (Operational Security Standard on Physical Security, 2004) Second, physical security builds up on hierarchical zones that protect or safeguard access to the security system. These hierarchical zones include the public zone (areas accessible to the public), reception zone (area wherein the boundary between the public and restricted zones is determined), operations zone (areas private to personnel), security zone (areas private to only authorized personnel or visitors), and the high security zone (areas private to authorized and escorted personnel or visitors). Within these zones, technological facilities and security officials are installed and designated respectively to carry out four phases in the previous approach discussed. (Operational Security Standard on Physical Security, 2004) The third approach in physical security is controlling access to determined hierarchical zones. This approach has something to do with controlling access most especially to restricted areas. It does not only control individual access, but is also concerned with the entry of materials considered to be potentially threatening or risky to security, such as mobile phones and other technological gadgets, harmful objects such as knives, guns, and such, etc. Although institutions should consider this approach in physical security, controlling access should not limit or restrict authorized individuals too much, allowing them ease in visiting each zone within the institution. Aside from security officials designated at every zone, there should also be systems that carry out state-of-the-art security protocols, such as technologies installed within the institution that asks for PIN or access numbers, access cards, biometrics, etc. Fourth, physical security systems should be designed to increase security levels in times of emergency or security threats. (Operational Security Standard on Physical Security, 2004) These four approaches, as recommended by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat follow the requirements of a strong and efficient physical security system. The concepts supported by these four approaches suggest how physical security systems and policies should be established in order to ensure that it will serve its purpose. However, accomplishing all the requirements in establishing a physical security system and a set of policies is not enough. Institutions should make sure that these elements of security are assessed and evaluated to ensure that it is properly sustained and it is up-to-date with trends in security technologies and processes. Part of the evaluation process includes frequent training and drills for security officials, checking-in with technological innovations that improve quality of security measures and systems, and observing existing systems to determine much-needed replacements or tweaks. With all these information in mind, physical security is a vital part in institutions that should not be neglected nor taken lightly. It complements digital network security systems, such that it prevents it from being jeopardized or subjected to external control, manipulation, and possible damages that affects the operations within the institution. Establishing a solid physical security system require that all aspects of the physical environment within an institution is identified. Mapping out requires that the institution determines where security is most needed and where access is most likely to be controlled. Aside from going over the basics and technical details of physical security systems, institutions should provide time and effort to evaluate the system in order to ensure that it functions efficiently according to its purpose, and that it meets the highest requirements of quality standard physical security.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Psychological Perspectives Essay Example for Free

Psychological Perspectives Essay Behaviourist approach-we can understand any type of behaviour perspective by looking at what the person has learnt, including personality, confidence, optimism or pessimism. Classical conditioning and Pavlov’s dogs. Pavlov was working with dogs to investigate their digestive system Pavlov attached a tube to the dogs mouth was the sliver comes from. This was then attached to a monitor in whom the monitor would monitor how much sliver was used during salivation. Salivation was a automatic response that is unconditioned (not learnt). Food leads to this almost automatically (unconditioned stimulus). Pavlov decided he wanted to find out how much the dog salivated when associated with different noises before giving him food. Pavlov put up a wooden wall so the dog could not see the food, he then rang a bell the dog began to salivate. Over the day the dog then began to associate the bell with the food a salivated as soon as he heard the bell. It had learnt the conditioned response of salivation to the conditioned stimulus of the bell. Operant conditioning and skinners rats. This was to discover the key principles of new learning behaviours. The rat was first places in the box with a lever which when pressed it released a food pellet in to the box. At first when the rat got in to the box it sniffed around and at some point it pressed the lever, discovering that the pellet was dropped. The rat then repeated this performance and learned that pressing the lever is automatically followed by the pellet being dropped. ( the consequence) The pellet is seen as reinforcing, this means something that the rat would like to have more of. There are two types of enforcement negative and positive reinforcement. Skinner then investigated negative reinforcement by running a low electrical current on the floor of the box, the current would be de-activated when the lever was pressed. The behaviour of pressing the leaver was then negatively in reinforcing. For example humans used pain killers as a negative reinforcement because if you use them the pain then tends to go away. Social learning approach Social learning is what affects a person because of a certain individual or a group of people. This could lead to negative behaviour which could be smoking, drinking and drugs. These could be influenced by friends, parents or a guardian and also from the environment they live in. Albert Bandura proved this because he observed this by doing the bobo doll experiment which was children watching a adult kick, punch and sit on the doll. The children then were allowed to go in a play with the doll and they did what they had observed. But also in the room there was other items that they could play with so they could chose to be aggressive or not but they chose to play with the doll, when they were playing with the doll some got guns involved and pretended to shoot it, which the adult never did. The children also used aggressive language towards the doll, this showed that because they had observed the adult being aggressive towards the dolls the children copied. Bandura also believed that behaviour can be learnt from the following principles observational learning, this is watching someone else perform a behaviour such as smoking, drinking, wearing a cycle helmet, they can be learnt but does not have to be reproduced unless the person is motivated to perform the behaviour. A role model which is an individual that inspires others as they could be prestigious, attractive, have a high status and they may copy their behaviour. Modelling which is the process of basing behaviour for example dressing the same as someone who they may admire. Availability the behaviour to be learnt must be available this could be performed somewhere for the individual to see this could be on TV, the computer, games, there peers and family members. Attention the behaviour must be noticed or we will not be able to learn it, if someone is feeling unwell they may not pay attention which could be a problem because you will not remember the procedure. Retention is behaviour that must be retained which is that the person must be interested enough and old enough to retain the information in their memory. Reproduction the individual must be capable of performing the behaviour. Motivation behaviour will be learnt and then performed. Humanistic approach Maslow was a psychologist that believed we were all seeking to become the best that we possibly can be physically, spiritually, emotionally and intellectually, he called this self-actualisation. He also made the theory known as hierarchy of needs this explains that every human requires certain basic needs to be met before they are able to move on to the next stage. He also believed that all our energies will be focused on the stage that we are at, until the basic needs are met we will not focus on our emotional needs and to feel self-esteem which is how valuable we may feel, for someone who has a high self-esteem they will believe that that they are loved and are loveable and also that they feel important and valued. For someone who has a low self-esteem they could feel worthless and that they have no value to anyone and may feel unloved and that they are not unlovable. Self-concept is developed at an early age and it is the way we see ourselves, for example if someone was a child got told they were silly they are more likely to be that way were if a child is praised they will be behave and will have a positive self-concept. Rogers was interested in concept of self, it is the way we view ourselves which includes physical and biological attributes like being male or female, short or tall. He believed that we also hold a concept of our self which represents as view of how we should be and as we would like to be, when there is incongruence between our self and our ideal self we can become unhappy and troubled. (betec level 3 health and social care book 1) Biological approach The maturational theory is that a child would be born with a set of genetics which are passed down through their parents, which are cognitive, physical, and other developmental processes which unfold over time. It is a theory that states that development is to nature not nurture. Gesells theory was that he believed that the development happened the way it was suppose to, this was from developing in the womb until birth. After birth he believed that this is when the child’s genes started to develop them into the person that they were meant to be. He also believed that the environment supported them developing their skills, talents, personality and also their interests but what was the main thing that helped the child develop was the maturational process. The importance of genetic influences on behaviour is that genes affect someone’s behaviour in a numerous of ways. A dominant gene can cause disorders like Huntington’s disease which can be passed on through a parent. Other disorder could be cystic fibrosis which both parents need to carry the gene in order for their child to get it. Disorders can be passed down but are not genetically determined which can lead to the person developing the disorder for example breast cancer can be passed down if one of the family members carry the gene. Psychodynamic approach focuses on unconscious thought processes, the patient will explore the unresolved issues and the conflicts that they have had in in the past which are believed to affect them in their present life. The therapies focus on relieving and resolving the unconscious conflicts which are motivating their symptoms. Freud first developed the vital ideas which bring about the approach as a whole particularly the idea that understanding behavior requires insight into the thoughts and feelings that motivate our actions. Freud also describes conscious mind, which consists of all the mental processes of which we are aware. For example, you may be feeling hungry at this moment and decide to get something to eat. Eriksons theory differs in a number of important ways. Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of predetermined stages. Unlike Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages, Erikson’s theory describe the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Nurse as an Advocate for the Patient

The Nurse as an Advocate for the Patient Nurses are highly skilled and trained professionals who take care of the sick. They educate patients, families, communities and populations on wellness and healthy living as well as health approaches to any chronic or current disease process and treatment. Moreover, nurses are entrusted with the duty of performing treatment and procedures as prescribed by physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Pattillo (2011) notes that a nurse is full of compassion for her fellow human beings; they possess good communication skills and good listening skills. They are required to report the progress of their patients to physicians, keep patient records, chart all patients observations, do the teaching procedures for patients and document communications with their patients. The nature and duties of nurses depict them as health care providers that are closest to patients and their families. They are therefore endowed with the task of advocating for the rights of patients within heal th care institutions. This paper discusses nurses as advocates for the patients, giving reasons why advocacy for patients rights should be incorporated into the nursing practice. Nurses are better placed as advocates of patients because they are constantly interacting with patients, thus making it easy for patients to trust them and confide in them. Pattillo (2011) describes a wide range of activities performed by nurses, which extend to the wider community. Nursing involves collaborative care of communities, individuals of all ages, groups and families; both sick and healthy (Pattillo, 2011). Nurses prevent illnesses, promote health, and care for the disabled, the ill and the dying people placed under their care. Moreover, they are advocates for promotion of safe environment, health education, research participation in shaping health policy as well as systems and patient management (Pattillo, 2011). Marquis Huston (2009) observe that nurses are the first health care professionals to recognize situations which are not in the best interest of patients and to report these situations to persons that could effect change. They identify and take action or report things such as questionable drug order to the physician or report an incompetent health care provider to a nursing supervisor; thus advocating for the rights of the patient (Marquis Huston, 2009). The American Nursing Associations Code requires nurses to be advocates of patients by reporting cases of patient abuse, including known or suspected cases of emotional, physical or sexual abuse because they constitute unprofessional conduct and form basis for disciplinary action against the culprits (Marquis Huston, 2009). In the event that the nurse is not satisfied with how a reported case is handled to protect interest of the patient, the Code provides for nurses to pursue the case further within appropriate reporting channel and outside the agency (Marquis Huston, 2009). According to Marquis Huston (2009), the policy for board of registered nurses warns that reporting duties are responsibilities of individual nurses and supervisors or administrators are not required to impede or inhibit the process or subject the reporting nurse to any sanction for making the report. Nurses are further advised to follow guidelines developed by the board of registered nurses concerning content of patient abuse course in identifying abuse cases that require action to protect the rights of their patients (Marquis Huston, 2009). Nursing advocacy plays a key role in observing safety of patients during their encounters with health care system; especially when the patient is too ill to serve his own advocate or when the patient is undergoing surgery and anesthesia. Marquis Huston (2009) highlight that during situations of surgery, the circulating nurse must serve as the patients advocate, speaking for the patient and protecting patients wishes throughout the process. The nurse is required by the nursing code to support the cause or proposal as a result of patients vulnerability. Nurses serve as patients advocate by advocating improved health care practices that relate to control of infections and patient care environments as well as access to care. Marquis Huston (2009) note that each encounter that the nurse has with his patient presents an opportunity for the nurse to serve as the advocate for the patient. Giving voice to patients in situations where patients decide to give their full trust to health care provider or when the patients are hesitant to speak their mind is an advocacy role of nurses to their patients. Goldberg (2011) reiterates that in such situations, nurses should encourage patients to voice their wishes and provide care that focuses on meeting patients specific wishes. In addition, nurses should ensure that the safest procedures are observed for patients during care provision. As advocates for the patients, nurses are required to limit traffic in operating suite or delay the beginning of a surgery procedure until correct instructions are provided (Goldberg, 2011). This not only eliminates carelessness but also protects the well being of patient throughout the process. Furthermore, Goldberg (2011) embraces the importance of nnurses in the preoperative arena who play a critical role by care environment monitoring, provision of safe care for the patient and promotion of best practices for prevention and control of infection. The nurse as an advocate for the patient must intervene in situations where patients safety is compromised like in cases where a physician does not routinely wash his hands before touching a patient or physicians who regularly violate sterile technique and ignores other practice standards. The code stipulates for nurses to recognize and address practice patterns that put patient at risk in order to protect the rights and well being of the patient. Besides acting as advocates for patients, nurses also act as advocates for family members of the patient. Goldberg (2011) points out that positive results have been achieved through advocacy in situations where patients are very ill and at point of death; where upon request of family members to be with the patients, nurses have respected these wishes and allowed family members to be with the patient. In such situations, death conditions have been reversed with the patients condition improving drastically upon seeing family members. Patients advocacy guarantees safety and protection of patients from preventable harm as patients and their family members depend on nurses to detect and address potential safety issues (Goldberg, 2011). Nurses as advocates for patients face numerous challenges in their daily advocacy duties. Goldberg (2011) observes that some physicians may not respond or listen to nurses in a timely manner as a result of competing priorities for nurse attention and efforts, thus placing tasks before advocacy. Additionally, hierarchical and institutional constraints frequently limit nurses from role as advocates of patients; placing patients safety at risk. People who espouse advocacy for patients are of the opinion that nurses should achieve higher professional autonomy for rights of patients to be fully protected in hospital settings. Goldberg (2011) regrets that while medical ethics rarely addresses the freedom of physicians to establish professional relationships with patients, nursing ethics must deal with continuous challenges to freedom of practice, especially in hospital settings. The intertwining of professional and ethical concerns, with the principles such as rights of patient and autonomy being considered in the same context as professional freedom to practice is quite challenging and places nurses at an awkward position. However, it is clear that the primary obligation of a nurse is to the patients, but not to physicians or hierarchies in health care facilities. This has gained prominence and wide acceptance within the profession. The American Nursing Associations Code requires nurses to be always alert as clients advocates by taking necessary action on any situations of unethical, illegal or incompetent practices originating from health care system, members of health care team or actions that violate patients best interest. This has overtaken sections of previous code that mandated nurses to be obedient to physicians orders and observe high level of confidence in physicians. In addition, putting nurses as advocates for the patients has led to shift of n urses perceptions of their primary allegiance from physicians and hospitals to patients. However, advocacy for patients may be a complex issue, especially when patients are unwilling to express their preferences or are afraid to say what they want because they believe it will alienate their physician. Sometimes disagreements may arise between choices and also the nurse may find other care professionals indifferent or opposed to wish of his patient. These reasons and others make advocating for patients a complex activity. In conclusion, nurses as advocates for patients have been embraced in most health care institutions. Advocacy for patients guarantees safety and protection for patients, especially in situations where patients are too ill or during surgery. Health care professionals should therefore respect the role of nurses as advocates for patients by providing adequate support and cooperation in order to attain this goal.

Monday, August 19, 2019

comming from mississippi Essay -- essays research papers

While reading this book, I came across issues that I had already learned about in school over the years. I knew that for a least the past sixty years there has been some sort of conflict between the perceived to be white race and the perceived to be black race. No one really remembers how it all stared but the snowball effect had taken shape and it very rapidly spun out of control. Coming of Age in Mississippi written by Anne Moody was different however because it gave us an inside look as to how the black people in the heart of it all were directly affected. I have always read a unbiased version of this story and have never been able to relate to what I was reading simply because there was no emotion on the page but I found that this time around I had no problem feeling sorry and hurting for Anne Moody and her family. This book looks at all aspects of the Civil Rights era and gives examples to almost every sub topic but the subject that struck a cord for me was appearance. I am a w oman of mixed decent and I have heard in life time people call me yellow and I never thought anything of it until I read in the book that they used that same term to describe a black person with a lighter complexion. This played a huge role in the black community back during that time and it is still relevant today. It caused a black vs. black hatred and it divided the community at a time when they needed to come together the most. This idea that the lighter young skin is, the better you are still plays a role in the black communities around the nation today. This book has many examples of when it first started the turning point for light skinned blacks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first time that I came across the term yellow or â€Å"high yellow† in the book was when Essie Mae was describing Florence. She was Essie father’s best friends widow who he ending up leaving her mother for. â€Å"Florence was a mulatto, high yellow with straight hair. She was the envy of all the women on the plantation† (Moody, 18) This is a perfect example of the appearance issue. Just because this woman had lighter skin and straight hair, she became the envy of all the other woman. It was a way for the other men and woman around to make her stand out from the rest and make her feel even more different then she already did. In the book it makes it sound as though â€Å"dark† black people thought that being a m... ...ples of the Civil Rights movement and we are able to see first hand that everyone in the deep South was effected by it. We see how it changes Anne Moody from a young innocent child to a person who hates whites then to a person who works for the betterment of the black race. We see that no good came from the hate that was inflicted on so many people in Mississippi and that there were so many points in time that it all could have been stopped. We see the nice white people who help people in need and we also hear about people who have no problem burning people alive in their homes because they are black. It we had stopped this back in the 1960’s we wouldn’t have the problems that we struggle with today. People like me wouldn’t have to worry about dating a man darker then me in fear that someone will disapprove of it. We wouldn’t have the white vs. black and the black vs. black problems that are worldwide today. If we could have stopped it at the root, it wouldn’t have grown out of control. We have a problem today; we are all racist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Epic Theatre: The Influences of Bertolt Brecht Essay -- Theater, Dram

Response Essay â€Å"Theatre makes us think about power and the way our society works and it does this with a clear purpose, to make a change.† The ideas of Bertolt Brecht (1898-1965) changed the theatre in many ways. Brecht along with Erwin Piscator developed the style of Epic theatre style contrasting to previous accepted styles. Presentational in form, Epic theatre is a vehicle for social comment through techniques such as: alienation, historification, eclectic influences (highly Asian), constructivism in scenery, disjointed and illogical scene placement, ordinary clothing and lighting, the use of music to detach the audience from emotion, placards and signs and projected images. Didactic in nature Brecht’s works aim to challenge the audience to assess socially accepted norms and educate them to injustices often overlooked by the public. The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Brecht, 1944) written during the time of Nazi Germany occupation has a clearly political and social focus. The Caucasian Chalk Circle (CCC) is a play of two stories which eventually are interweaved. Scene 1 is a prologue to the action of the play that serves as a metaphor for the entire play â€Å"struggle between what is right legally and what right socially†. The protagonist from the first story is Grusha, a simple maid who sacrifices her safety and youth to protect Governor’s child. Scenes 2-4 focus exclusively on Grusha’s story. Scene 5 introduces the protagonist for the second story, the drunk judge Adzak. Scene 6 brings the two protagonists together and is the climatic action of the play. Scenes 5 and 6 focus more on social problems being that the base of society- the justice system. The audience experiences the drunken judge take bribes and rule in favour of thos... ...onal connection. The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht is a perfect example of the conventions Epic theatre uses to alienate the audience form emotion connection in order to allow an objective viewing of the themes and issue presented. These being ones of social order: is the social structure and legal systems providing fair and just rulings and procedures? By examination of Post World War Two damages we see the effects of war then as a result consciously attempt to prevent it and change our situation. This is an effective way of challenging and informing the contemporary audience as it is visual and audibly dynamic as well as informative, the medium of live theatre is intense and it allows audience members to ascertain meaning together. This sparks discussion which will lead to the individual assessing and attempting to change the way in which society works.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Importance of Non-conformity and Independent Beliefs in Ralph Waldo

In Ralph Waldo Emerson’s â€Å"Self-Reliance,† Emerson calls for each person in society to be wholly true to themselves. He claims that it is most rewarding to the individual and the society for people to believe in one’s own thoughts and not in the thoughts of others. Emerson believes that conformity will ultimately lead to an individual’s demise because by living for others, people are not being true to themselves. Therefore in order to have a well-formed society, citizens should focus inward and have confidence in their own ideas before beginning to look towards other individuals; moreover, Emerson calls individuals not only in â€Å"Self-Reliance,† but also in numerous essays to act independently from conformity and to live for themselves. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s main theme in â€Å"Self-Reliance† places emphasis on the individual’s ideas and not the ideas of others. Emerson strongly believes that â€Å"imitation is suicide.† To Emerson, if a person possesses an opinion, the person should voice that opinion immediately without doubt. As Emerson states, â€Å"History, and the state of the world at any one time is directly dependent on the intellectual classification then existing in the minds of men. Beware when God lets loose a great thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. The very hopes of man, the thoughts of his heart, the religion of nations, the manner and morals of mankind are all at the mercy of a new generalization.† (Dewey 408). He calls for people to have confidence in themselves and to cease living by the world’s universal ideas. He places great importance on the fact that a person should always be true to himself or herself. He believes that if people begin living according to everyone else’s wishes, they will ... .../p41728_index.html> Yannella, Donald. "Chapter 3: Self-Evolving Circle." Ralph Waldo Emerson. Donald Yannella. Boston: Twayne, 1982. Twayne's United States Authors Series 414. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 19 Apr. 2010. Works Consulted deTocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America. New York: Harper Perennial, 1988. 537. American Political Science Assoc. Web. 19 Apr. 2010. Emerson, Ralph W. "The American Scholar." Vol. 7. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Julia Reidhead. 7th ed. N.p.: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2008. 7 vols. 520-32. Print. "Overview: â€Å"Self-Reliance†." Literature and Its Times: Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them. Joyce Moss and George Wilson. Vol. 2: Civil Wars to Frontier Societies (1800-1880s). Detroit: Gale, 1997. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 19 Apr. 2010

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Comparison of Ph Between: Coffee, Coffee (Tums) and Coffee (Alka-Seltzer) Essay

Tums and Alka-Seltzer are drugs found in most retail stores, they relieve heartburn, acid ingestion and minor aches/pain (Alka-Seltzer). Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. It has a stimulating effect due to caffeine and enhances alertness/awareness. Objective/ Hypothesis Coffee is slightly acidic, with distribution of components such as Tums and Alka-Seltzer the various ph levels should be different. So the control treatment (coffee) will have a lower ph then coffee (Tums) and coffee (Alka-Seltzer). Null Hypothesis: Ph levels between Tums and Alka-Seltzer will be slightly different in each treatment. Alternative Hypothesis: Ph levels between Tums and Alka-Seltzer will be similar in each treatment. Methods The treatments were carefully observed. Recording the ph levels were taken with caution to not contaminate the solutions. The three solutions had 50 ml of coffee each, the other two treatments contained a tablet of Tums and one of Alka-Seltzer. Results and Discussion During the experiment each lab tables ran their individual test. The same amount of coffee was used in the solutions for each table, also one tablet of Tums and Alka-Seltzer was used in the solutions. The results on the lab tables were slightly different. PH Table #| Control| Tums| Alka Seltzer| 1| 6.33| 6.68| 6.92| 2| 6.34| 6.80| 6.75| 3| 6.39| 7.34| 6.92| 4| 6.39| 7.11| 6.82| 5| 6.5| 7.05| 6.88| The ph for each treatment are different although the error bars show that ph are not exact. There is uncertainty in the ph for the treatments, the ph can either be higher or lower. Conclusions The treatments showed different ph levels on each lab table even though the same amount of components was distributed. Also the ph level between the alka-seltzer and tums were different. Tums treatment is less acidic then the alka-seltzer treatment, so using tums for treatment of heartburns and acid reflux may be more effective then alka-seltzer. References Alka-Seltzer from Tums from

Friday, August 16, 2019

Pepcid Ac Analysis

The problem Pepcid AC faced in its initial entry into the market was direct competition from competing products that, together, took almost all market share. Pepcid AC positioned itself as three important things: providing lasting relief from GERD and gastrointestinal upset by means of the fewest pills possible and providing not only relief but prevention. Tegamet already had an established marketing base that consisted of customers who knew the brand name and were weary to switch to another product.The main point of entry for Pepcid AC would be educating the public on the H2-receptor antagonist prescription drugs, the reduced number of pills needed, and the difference between market-standard Tegamet and new Pepcid AC. My recommendation would be to consider TV advertising as a main means of communicating the product offering of Pepcid AC and essentially â€Å"spreading the word† on how the product differentiates itself.Product endorsement from a physician would be beneficial t o push the product into the hands of weary consumers. Finding a series of doctors who would be able to push the product is the largest problem. Doctors were finding that traditional antacids were easier to sell because they already had an established reputation in the household. By finding a few key doctors who have a lot of influence in the community such as a â€Å"Dr. Phill† or a â€Å"Dr.Oz,† and offering the product as free samples to the doctors and their patients, it would help get the brand name into the mouths of mothers around the country. Endorsement for the product by a few key doctors who are respected in the community, combined with the doctors using and recommending the product to some of their own personal patients, would increase the strength of the brand name and help foster word-of-mouth, an essentially low-cost form of marketing.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Discrimination Paper Essay

As you all probably know: discrimination is any situation in which a group or individual is treated differently based on something other than individual reason, usually their membership in a socially distinct group or category. These categories include ethnicity, sex, religion, age or disability. Discrimination can be thought of as favorable or unfavorable; however, today, â€Å"discrimination† is usually considered unfavorable. Racial discrimination, discrimination against women, and discrimination outside the United States, are some of the most common types of discrimination in the world. One of the most pervasive forms of discrimination in the United States is directed toward racial groups. There has always been conflict among the different races of people. The Constitution of the United States recognized the legality of slavery, the ultimate form of discrimination. Black males are one of the most common victims of discrimination. For example, a black male in the â€Å"ghetto† walks into a convenient store, the first thing that comes to the clerks mind is robbery or maybe even worse. African-Americans and other people of different races other than white have always been mistreated or judged just because of their color. Racial discrimination against Hispanic-Americans is also widespread. Employment, housing, and access to the judicial system is a problem for people other than whites. Asian-Americans also suffer discrimination. During World War II, the Japanese were forced to evacuate from the West Coast. American women have been victimized by discrimination in voting, employment, and other civil rights. Women were once known as â€Å"housewives†, and many men and women still think that is what a woman should be. Not only do people think women shouldn’t work, but they don’t think they should vote, serve on juries, or do anything else other than sit at home and do house work. In the late 160’s women organized to demand legal equality with men. They organized into the National Organization for Women and other groups for education, employment, and government. In 17, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was passed to the Constitution and submitted to the states for ratification. The ERA was suppose to eliminate legal discrimination against women, but it was not approved by the 18 deadline. Working toward the ERA built a skilled leadership of female politicians and lobbyists. Most nations practice discrimination against foreigners within their borders. It may be religious, such as Muslims against Jews, Protestants against Catholics; racial, or sexual discrimination, as in many countries where women have few rights. People in other countries are always fighting because of discrimination. International efforts to combat discrimination were minimal until the passage of the United Nations Charter in 145. The charter encourages â€Å"respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. Discrimination causes great conflict among many people. Regardless of race, religion, sex, or any other characteristics, a person should not be discriminated. Discrimination is one of the reasons this country is falling apart. Every man and woman whether they are black, white, yellow or green should be able to equally do what ever they wish. Most people don’t realize that every person, color not mattering, came from the same place.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

To Be Human Is To Discuss

There were only 100 years without war in the whole history of human civilization! Iraq and Kuwait had had a long standing, but low level, border dispute over a pair of Persian Gulf islands. No preventative diplomacy was employed during this period of escalation, and Kuwait was invaded in August of 1990. more than 200 people lost their lives. In Vietnam war the total amount of casualties is more than 1,800 million people. In Rwanda after April 6, 1994, 800,000 men, women, and children perished in the Rwandan genocide, perhaps as many as three quarters of the Tutsi population.Although the Rwandans are fully responsible for the organization and execution of the genocide, governments and peoples elsewhere all share in the shame of the crime because they failed to prevent and stop this killing campaign. Not only did international leaders reject what was going on, but they also declined for weeks to use their political and moral authority to challenge the legitimacy of the genocidal govern ment. When international leaders finally voiced disapproval, the genocidal authorities listened well enough to change their tactics although not their ultimate goal.Far from cause for satisfaction, this small success only highlights the tragedy: if weak protests produced this result in late April, imagine what might have been the result if in mid-April the entire world had spoken out. Syria now is bogged down in endless killing. Early in the uprising, Western support might have ousted Mr Assad and preserved Syria’s sectarian harmony. , but the West held back. Now, after more than 110,000 people have died during 30 months of violence, it is too late. Like many civil-war leaders Mr Assad prefers to prolong the fighting rather than risk compromise.The rebels, too, battle on in the knowledge that surrender is likely to mean death. Guys,we live in the 21 century and the humans became so developed that we can tell GOOGle what to GOOgle with our voice but we still fight even more ho rribly than centuries ago. why do wars still occur then? Wars occur when negotiations fail or don’t even take place. The talks fail when one or more of the parties refuse to participate in negotiations. There are 4 most common reasons for such refusals- 1) that the refusing party thinks that it can get a better outcome by some other means-usually through force.2)they fear they will be forced to accept unwanted compromises. If parties think they will have to compromise their values, or give up their chance to obtain their fundamental needs, they will refuse to participate in any negotiation. 3)that parties may refuse to negotiate because they make think that the negotiations are a waste of time and are destined to fail. 4)A final reason why parties may refuse to negotiate is that they are so angry with the other group that they are not even willing to sit down at a table , because they do not want to grant them the legitimacy that such an act would imply.These reasons are not sensible enough to risk thousands of human lives. The main reason why the man got ahead of the mammals is thanks to the intensive development and differentiation of the cerebral cortex. But even the mammals don’t kill each other whereas it’s not uncommon for us to do this. We really differ from mammals and need to understand that the power of the word is immense and the only way for us to remain human beings is to discuss. All these bloodstained wars are not the inability to discuss, but just the unwillingness.While war has created more separation between Arab world and the West, negotiations could have improved the relationships and found long-term solution. the only way to stop the continuous fight in Syria is through negotiations. The Economist suggests that The effort is worth it—about 40% of civil wars end through negotiation. And to pave the way for negotiated solutions, parties should have clear understanding of their interests, acknowledge their interdep endence by considering both short-term and long-term interests, and recognize that their interests are not incompatible.The parties should also reject the attempt to frame negotiations as talk with a madman. Negotiations are about finding common ground with the opponent, but not judging personal qualities of the negotiator. And the thing that the parties should understand best of all- is that they are humans and that as leaders they have to protect their people from war. Nothing in this world is more valuable than a human life. Let’s save it by discussion! It began to snow.. lightly at first, but then in large flakes. The wind started to howl,it was a snowstorm.In an instant the dark sky merged into an ocean of snow. Everything disappeared. The epigraph for Bulgacov’s â€Å"White Guardian† seems like a snowy night on December the 9th in Kiev. the protesters have blockaded streets and occupied municipal buildings, riot police have beaten demonstrators and journal ists, agent provocateurs have tried to discredit the crowd and thus to excuse the repression. The violence can get much worse but the both parties answers to the idea of talks are â€Å"we shall push a little bit more and everything will be OK†. Won’t it be only worse?

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

International financial management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

International financial management - Essay Example This is supposed to help their managers to know exactly what to do as and when they are in a situation where they have to make a critical decision about a big risk such as the one that Herr Ruhnau took. If such policies existed at Lufthansa, it would be easy to know whether the actions of Herr Ruhnau were careless and if he ignored standards in and to follow his gut feeling to make such a big decision (what kind of policies, list some of it). For instance, like having a limit on how must risk in terms of the amount of money involved a manager can take without involving the board of management. I have also talked about this in the conclusion) Herr Ruhnau’s decision can be viewed in two main perspectives. First it can be viewed from the perspective of the fact that as a manager, he had to take the action he thought was beneficial for the firm. Punishing him for making such a decision would be considered to be unfair in that when he took the role of the CEO of the firm, he took the responsibility to be making such decisions. As Ayse (212) says, it is not good for executive managers to be limited with regard to how they make their decisions. As a result, in determining whether Ruhnau’s actions were careless or necessary in that situation, it is necessary to tread carefully on the line and make sure that all factors are considered. Ruhnau decision was to leave fifty percent of the risk that the firm was taking with regard to buying the Boeing planes in advance and offering o pay later when the airplanes were delivered. This left the firm exposed to a risk of over 2.5 million dollars not covered. He also refused to consider other alternatives to cover the risk, such as forward contracts in order to protect Lufthansa from the risk of shifting exchange rates. He had analyzed that the dollar could only rise for a short time and so it would be expected that it could only go down from there. In

Christians' Role in the Community Research Paper

Christians' Role in the Community - Research Paper Example The sharing of a personal testimony builds a spiritual bond between the sharer and the recipient of the testimony of Christ. This witness creates a special relationship that is built on the foundation of spiritual witnessing by the Spirit of God. The true testimony of a believer and the recipient of the testimony feel the promptings and workings of the Spirit because the message is true. In this way, personal testimonies build a web, or community of believers based on the personal testimonies of believers. This community of believers is largely held together by the workings of the Spirit in their hearts. Personal testimonies are the best way to show that you have gained knowledge, through the Spirit, of Jesus Christ. The sharing of testimony has the unique ability to shape and influence the testimony of others. Personal testimony can be more powerful that critical study of scripture and more formal preaching because of the intimate nature of personal knowledge gained through the Spir it of God. Personal testimonies are shared in intimate and informal settings; they have the ability to mold the character of a community one person at a time. Personal testimonies meld together into a sort of communal testimony that enlightens, inspires and guides the entire community. The hallmark of a Christian is the living of a Christian life. This is a statement that has been disputed by many over the years. The real test of Christians is whether the light of Christ is seen in their countenances and in the deed of their everyday life. A misunderstanding of doctrine leads some Christians to believe that once they are saved, then all is done. This runs counter to many of the teachings of Christ and the apostles. We are told to be more than hearer’s of the word. We must always be doers. Many Christians for fear that one will think they can work their way into heaven downplay this thought. It is clear that this is not possible. Christ is the only source of salvation, and his salvation is enough for all to partake. But this salvation does not remove the responsibility for Christians to live a godly life, emulating the Savior himself. The necessity for a Christ centered life full of His goodness is manifest several ways. One reason we must live a godly life is to set a good example for those around us that are not believers. If Christians are to have influence in the community at large, then they must live the teachings of Him we call Savior. If a person that has not known the goodness of Christ sees a person that claims Salvation acting in a manner that is untoward or reprehensible, then the investigator of the Gospel will see nothing more than hypocrisy on the part of the believer. We all know that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but there are certain standards of conduct that are expected of all in a community. When a supposed believer acts against the good will of the community and excuses their conduct by claiming salvation, th en a very poor example of Christianity has been set and the Christian will be held accountable for this at the last day. Surely their salvation is intact, but their folly will not be overlooked at the judgment bar. Another reason the Christian needs to live a Christ centered life is because Jesus instructed us to do this. He understood more than anyone the soul-destroying influences the world would have

Monday, August 12, 2019

Marketing (brand management question) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing (brand management question) - Essay Example A classic example will be DHL. This company won the Platinum Award (Airfreight / Courier Service category) in the Superbrand 2005. Its brand statement is to enhance the customers' businesses by offering express delivery and logistics solutions based on strong local expertise combined with a vast global network. They keep to their words and thus winning glory in the industry. Different from the business markets, consumer markets will need more product features and advertising for their product. The audience for consumer markets branding involve the general public, in which the variance of needs and desires are greater than a business markets. Dell Computer is the example of this category of branding. It manages to position itself as a customize personal computer provider. This is collaborated by its successful supply chain management which makes it its brand identity. A "branded house" means a company which itself is a brand. The products come under this company will be the subset of the main brand. In branding, it gains level of acceptance and importance in short time due to the previous identification with the parent brand. Take for example, Hewlett Packard. This brand name covers products from laptops, desktops, Palmtops to even printers. All the products carry the same brand HP though they have names and are under different product category. It enters the market of palm tops easily despite the effort by Palm Plc. In contrary to that, a "house of brand" would be a company that markets a range of brands. A classic will be the Procter and Gamble (P&G). It comprises a lot of brands from different product categories such as Duracell the battery, Pantene the shampoo, Olay the beauty products, Mr. Clean the household cleaner, Braun the oral care products and many more. 3. Discuss the risks and benefit of brand extension. Research detailed examples of each. The benefit for a company to use a successful for brand extension could help it to enter a new product category. Examples are like the Fairy brand (Unilever) which extended from washing up liquid to washing powder and Lucozade which extends from a children's health drink to sports drink. This brought advantages to the company as it does not post doubt on the customers which presume the product as a newly launched products. It sustains the trust on a single brand to an extended product under the same brand. However, a failure in doing so could cause damage. Firstly, it is the dilution effect of the brand by products. The example is like when people talk about Fairy, it is not just only a washing liquid anymore. Secondly, it posts difficulties to connect with the parent brand names. Imagine if Colgate is marketing a candy product. It will be a disaster to the brand as the messages from the brand is inconsistent. 4. Discuss factors involved in successful brand differentiation. The key factors that could drive a successful brand differentiation are Desire for sustainable brand differentiation The company and its employees would need to have the same vision on brand differentiation as both are involve in making the strategy a success. Without management support or

Sunday, August 11, 2019

In what ways have changes in the international economy since the 1960s Essay

In what ways have changes in the international economy since the 1960s effected the development of London as a world city - Essay Example One of the major backdrops to London’s economy is urbanization. In the 1960s, planning proliferated sociologists and architects were determined to change the world, town halls and campuses supported by modernization, morphology, networks and central places. It was therefore confidently believed that London provided a good key to creating a future city and an environment that was wholly planned (Sassen, 106). Since 1960s, changes in the international economy have greatly affected the development of London as a world city. The success of London in business and service industry is founded on its native language, English. The city also had a good track of openness and space for the other dominant international business languages used in Europe and major business destinations across the globe. Coincidentally, it was the choice of the British Empire for the headquarters as it is situated strategically in relation to other countries of the European Community central time zone thus acting as a bridge between Asian and US markets. Perhaps the international image and symbol held by the city regarding the country’s diplomatic ideology contributed to its popularity among the international community as well. The strong relationship between US and United Kingdom, and the UK’s good historical relationship with Middle East, African and Asian countries have boosted its success. It is therefore in line to refer to London as victor regarding business positioning in both local and international domains. As such, its status in this context must be considered as an occupant of rare niche held only by a few elite cities whose fortunes can be observed from different angles illustrating how class and might can surpass limitation. Despite the earlier fame and grandeur that London boasted of within a promising prospect of brilliance into the future,

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Rucial Role in Shaping the Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rucial Role in Shaping the Life - Essay Example Unfortunately, my mother succumbed to cancer when I was only six years old, and I only understood what happened to her when I was in middle school. Hence, I had to do many things that my mother would have done for me due to the absence of my father and elder brother. For instance, I visited the doctor on my own and many other things I did by myself. Over time, little things that I did on my own built my personality, and it was only in the second year of my high school that the final stroke hit me after my brother was diagnosed of cancer. Effectively, my brother's two-year illness made me a different person despite having learned how to live on own for many years. Following my brother’s diagnosis of cancer, my life changed and became completely different. I realized that I became quick to anger, but I did not show the anger, and neither did I know the cause of the anger. In addition, I was always in pain and moody although I did not show my father this side of my personality. Importantly, I never lost faith since I continued praying for my brother who was always there for me despite his condition. When I had questions, my brother would always respond to my questions each time. During the time he experienced incidents of pain, my brother remained positive throughout the pain. Effectively, I learned the importance of a positive attitude in life, and I inculcated a positive personality that has helped me achieve milestones. In addition, I discovered the importance of avoiding anger, being moody, and being sad since these factors depicted a feeling of fear and made an individual weak. Moreover, speaking to people whom I trusted helped me ch ange to a better person that I am today. As I said, my life was similar to a movie since most movies depict challenging and unbelievable situations that happen to unlikely people.Today, my brother remains the biggest inspiration since he always saw the light at the tunnel and he walked me through the journey of identifying this light with him, which was instrumental in life. To quote my brother, â€Å"Everything will be fine in the end. If it will not be fine, then it is not the end.† I do not know where the quote came from, but the quote is helpful in time of despair.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Description and critical evaluation of an historic or contemporary Essay

Description and critical evaluation of an historic or contemporary piece of graphic design from any culture - Essay Example Graphic designs normally appear in the poster realm, website or advertisements (Landa 2013) Further, graphic designs have rightfully been with us through the centuries. In Greek, graphic is taken from the word graphein. In France, graphic is dessiner. In the Italian environment, graphic is disegno. Graphic design relates to drawing. Additionally, graphic includes the sketching process. In Latin, graphic is translated as mark. The Latin word for mark is signum. Planning and expression rightfully form part of the creation of the graphically designed artwork (Barnard 2013). Moreover, inspirational traffic signs, another graphic design area, are correctly used to universally maintain traffic safety. French, Japanese, Chinese and Italian tourists can understand the above traffic road signs. The stop sign message instructs the person to stop. The car driver will stop when the police officer holds up the stop sign. In a building entrance or exit, the stop sign instructs the persons to stop. The person is not allowed to continue entering the premises (Yin 2011). Further, the traffic signs correctly deliver other traffic safety messages. Graphic designers like Bruno Monguzzi use thought provoking designs to attract the design viewers (Poulin 2012). The traffic signs’ messages reduce the number of traffic accidents. The second sign shows the car is allowed to implement a U-turn. In a road reaches a dead end, the U-turn sign instructs the vehicle driver to turn around. The third sign shows the road is narrowing. The vehicle driver is instruc ted to be more careful, possibly slowing down. The fourth sign shows the road is slippery. The vehicle driver is warned that one’s vehicle may be in danger of slipping. Slipping may result to avoidable accidents. Furthermore, the above traffic signs rightfully comply with the two areas of graphic design. The first area focuses on bring a